I tend to be a passive person until it comes to my children. I have hopes, dreams, prayers, and opinions when it comes to their today and tomorrow. However, what I've been learning lately is that by letting go of some control of them (Samuel 17 and Bailee 15) and letting the Lord do his work, I actually feel more in control. Does this make any sense? Before you get freaked out, it's baby steps. Both for you and your children. As christian parents we so desire our children to know and love God and for them to live a life that reflects they do. As they enter their pre-teen and teen years we so pray for them to take ownership of their faith and relationship with Him. To grow in and grow up in Jesus. The only way they can be free to do that is if we as parents begin to let go.
For example, my son is a junior in high school. He has been getting inquires from those around him about what he will be doing after high school. I have been wondering that also. I see many of Sam's God given gifts and talents. I have my opinions about what I think he should do. However, at this point in his life, instead of dictating his every move, the Lord has been showing me that I need to pray more and speak less. To encourage and Sam to seek Him. Yes my views and opinions can be helpful, but where the the "real" growing up comes from is Sam learning to discern the Lord's voice. I was reminded of Jeremiah 1:3; "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Again in Psalm 139:16; "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." It is crucial to allow our children the opportunity to seek, listen, and discern the Lord. Oh boy is it hard! But wow, what a sense of freedom when you see them walking in confidence with Him. Yes they will make mistakes. However, I'd rather they were still under our roof making them than ill equipped out there in this world. Would you agree?
Be encouraged godly mom. As you have sown the Word of the Lord in your children and continue to do so, the Lord is faithful. Begin to show your children that you trust their relationship with God. Give them permission and freedom to seek him for the direction of their lives. Pray and watch the Lord work. Never forget that He loves them more than you do.
Teenage years are fun! |
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