Monday, April 29, 2013


The LORD replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."  Exodus 33:14

Escape. Run away. Blow this joint. It’s how I’ve been feeling lately. Outnumbered. Tired. At my breaking point. Add to that external pressures and trials galore…that has been my life lately.

However, in the midst of my storm, I have sensed Jesus on the boat with me…sleeping. Instead of waking him up and screaming, “Do you even care that I am drowning?” I want what HE has…REST for my soul.
I don’t want to fear what is or what is to come. I want to know that God is on the throne. He knows I am being rocked about, and he is right there with me. No matter how I feel, I AM NOT GOING TO DROWN.

God’s still, small voice has been sending me little messages of hope through my trials: the prayers of family and friends, a timely song on the radio, etc. Yet, this past weekend as I got away with my husband to go to a discipleship conference (another God-story I will be sure to express later), I felt like God was talking to me in waves! Experiencing a flood of emotions, I cried. God was speaking to me in so many ways. I knew that he had done more than heard my cry. He was in the boat with me.

One of the many things that God spoke to my heart about is the importance of scheduling REST into my day, my week. I need to be intentional to take the time to take care of myself. Some days I feel like I need to be an octopus mom with eight arms to be able to tend to my three kids, 5 and under. Yet, I don’t think I am going to get that…nor do I really want it. What I really need is a head start on them—a little bit of “rest” at the beginning of my day before they wake up.

It’s a funny thing that rest would require sacrifice on my part, but I need to wake up earlier than them and spend time with the Lord. I do not like having my kids wake me up. I feel like I can barely get up and go potty (sorry…TMI) before they start with their litany of requests. They wake up on full throttle—ready to take on the day with my help. I don’t! I need time with my heavenly Father before I can joyfully spend time with them. I need to be filled up with HIS peace, love, and joy so that I can pour that same peace, love, and joy on my kids.

Jesus modeled this thing called rest so many times in scripture. He didn’t run away and escape. He spent quality time with his Father, got filled up with HIS spirit, and was ready to serve again. I am not smarter that Jesus. If he needed time with his heavenly Father, then so do I.

You see, there is a difference between escaping and resting. When I escape, I am purely selfish. I am running from problems. I usually come back feeling guilty, and my problems are still waiting for me. However, when I plan rest: time with the Father and time to go out with my hubby or friends, I feel refreshed. God wants us to have a healthy rhythm of work and rest. We need to abide in him, so that he can send us out…“out” to our coworkers, our kids, our hubby, our mom friends, to the lost.

Mom, let’s be intentional about this life we have been given. Let’s schedule our rest with the Father. Let’s schedule some time with our hubby, for ourselves. Let’s create some healthy rhythms of work and rest so we can pour our lives out instead of being drained out. Will you join me?

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28


Heavenly Father,
Your love for us is great, and all your ways prove true. You created the world in six days, and then you rested. Your son Jesus modeled a perfect life for us. He would go off to the mountainside and pray. He had genuinely relationship with you. Help us do the same. Help us to find our rest in you, to abide in you. Fill us with your love, your joy, your peace, your kindness, your faithfulness, your goodness, your gentleness, your self-control…so that when the trials of this life come, we will not be shaken. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

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