Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Stay At Home Mom

My oldest daughter Selah is 2 years old, and recently she has had a language explosion. She is like a little parrot repeating everything we say, and it is really fun to watch! When she was first learning to communicate, she started with the basics by pointing to things and saying, "dis one" until she learned what 'this one' was actually called. One day she was playing with her toys in her room, and as I walked in to check on her before going back to cleaning, she looked up and said, "Mommy sit". I was so surprised that she was able to make this request and at the same time my heart broke a bit that my little girl found a way in her limited vocabulary to communicate to her busy Mommy that she wanted attention. I made a silent vow that day to always stop and play with my kids even if it's only for a minute or two when they make such a request.

It makes me think about that title, 'Stay at home mom'. The implication is that we get to just hang out in our homes and spend time mothering our children. But it seems that there are so many other things that demand our time and attention that there is little time to just sit and enjoy mothering our children. Certainly much of it is motherly duties of feeding, diapering, disciplining, instructing, and cleaning. But there is also a home to care for, a husband to support, endless piles of laundry to be done, and then there are all of the appointments, studies, playdates, and other things that fill up our schedules. I don't know about you, but there are times when I am tempted to just let go of all other commitments, get my home somewhat in order, and spend the rest of my time and energy playing puzzles with my kids, running around outside, or watching a video with them snuggled on my lap. No computer, no phone, and no to-do list urging me to check off a task that will just be replaced with 3 others.

I did this last week after reading Courtney's blog. I let Selah choose how we spent our morning. I gave her some options, and she chose to play at the playground and then go to Target to look at the Christmas decorations. So, I left laundry in the dryer, dishes in the sink, and the floor messy and in need of vacuuming, and off we went. We leisurely spent the morning playing together and walking around the store stopping at every aisle with no sense of rush or hurry. It was so nice, and the girls really enjoyed themselves. We giggled, played, ran around, explored, and just enjoyed life. I had to play catch-up once I got them down for naps, but it was so worth it.

I love reading the blogs from the other moms and getting insight, wisdom, and ideas. I love that some of us have little ones at similar stages who can relate, while others have older children and we can gain some perspective for the future. Teresa's encouragement to let go of our high expectations and let our kids do things in their own time really hit home for me, and Joannie's story of her one on one time camping with her older daughter got me excited for what's to come in my relationship with my girls and at the same time encouraged me that you can maintain a good relationship with your teen-aged daughter.

I pray that all the readers of this blog are encouraged and edified as well and that you too will take some time this week to just enjoy being a stay at home mommy- even if you work outside the home. Setting aside an hour or two to just enjoy your kids with no outside distractions is so freeing and a wonderful blessing for both mommy and kids.

Prayer: Lord of my heart, I thank you for the blessing of my children. Thank you for allowing me to know a love so deep and powerful. I thank you for every moment, every season, every giggle, every hug, and every "I love you Mommy". Please help me to free up time to just enjoy this gift of motherhood. May I be edified by those who offer wisdom and encouragement and in turn encourage other mommies you have placed in my life. Please help me to raise the children you have given my husband and me with wisdom, integrity, grace, and understanding. Teach me as I teach them. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. So true Tammy. I have joked with my husband telling him he could hire me a wife so I can truelly be a stay at home mom and wife. There are days where though you are surrounded by children you just miss them. Those are the times when we have to do exactly what you said push everything aside and just play with them or curl up and watch a movie. It is a great habit to get into because as they get older it gets more difficult because not only do you have your things to do they have things that they want to do as well. They grow up way to fast. Thanks for the reminder. I was blessed and encouraged by your post.
