The other day the boys and I were playing Memory and I noticed that Cooper was intently watching as everyone turned their cards over, trying to remember where each card was. But Griffin, my 3 year old, wasn't. Instead, he was distracted by the cards that were in his hand. He kept fiddling with them and wanted all of his cards to be facing the same way and for them to match up just right before he started doing anything else. So, every time another card was flipped by someone, he missed it and lost his chance at making a match during his turn. I tried coaching him and told him to watch. "Look, Griffin. Here's the tricycle." But he was so distracted by the cards in his hand--something that didn't even matter to the game--that he missed out on the most important thing.
"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." (Isaiah 26:3)
I have a mind that gets so easily distracted by things, I really empathize with (and understand) this condition. I can be walking through the house, think that I need to go upstairs for something and once I get up there completely forget what I went up there for. Or be washing the dishes, hear my son ask for chocolate milk 5 times and have so much going on in my head that I say, "What?" as if I didn't hear it the first time. And it's not because I don't care, it's just that I have a lot on my mind.
This week has been an extreme case of this. When my husband and I moved to Florida, we had prayed and talked and really felt the Lord was opening the doors for us to move here. Even the doors that I thought (even hoped) would not open, did. So, day by day it became more clear to us that this was the next step for us and we stepped out in faith trusting that God would provide. Almost a year later, we have formed some great relationships with people, God has provided a good neighborhood and church and we are feeling more settled as a family. Still, in the last week I have struggled with a distracted mind and discontentment has begun to work it's way into my thoughts. If only we lived closer to family. Or wouldn't it be nice to have an acre of land for the boys to run around? Or how great would it be to have few farm animals like my sister or brother do. These thoughts and others have circled around in my head all week. Am I doing ok with discipline? Should I put my 4 year old in soccer? Should I have put him in pre-school? Is he going to be anti-social? Does it really matter? Maybe I should homeschool...look at that mom who has 19 kids and does it...her family is pretty amazing. I'm not like her though...she wears long skirts all the time and seems so very consistent. And I've never seen her with an angry look on her face. I really shouldn't homeschool. OK, Cooper's still asking for chocolate milk. Was that a bossy tone in his voice? I hope I'm not spoiling him by...
This has been my past week. Constant distraction. To put it mildly, it has left very little time for what truly matters and it has left my mind very worn. Because when I'm distracted by my thoughts, everything else in my day (including my precious boys) get my second best.
It dawned on me while we were playing Memory that I am not much different than my 3 year old son. All I wanted to tell him was, "Stop fiddling with your cards, Griffin! Pay attention to the game. You have know idea what you just missed!" But I realize now that I'm not much different. How much time do I waste in worry? What am I missing while my mind is wandering? Moments with my boys? An opportunity to pray? To be still? To listen? We're given this awesome responsibility to parent these amazing little ones and any chance he can get, Satan is going to try and distract us from the purpose that God has put into our lives--to train up our kids for Christ.
I love that Courtney mentioned putting verses around the house so you have a reminder throughout your day of what is really important. And here is just one that has meant a lot to me this week.
"...let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith..." (Hebrew 12:1b-2a)
I think we are all distracted at one time or another (sometimes more, sometimes less) by things that take our focus off of Christ. It can happen daily for some of us. Sometimes, while we're trying to sleep at night.
What are your distractions this week? Is your mind filled with things that are pulling you away from more important tasks? Your kids?
I love hymns. I think because that's what I grew up with in my old church and I think they're full of rich meaning. I had a friend tell me once that when she couldn't stop thinking about something that was a distraction for her, she'd sing a hymn until the thoughts would go away. I haven't been very good about that just lately, but in the past it has been such a comfort.
What are some other ways to redirect your thoughts this week?
Dear Lord,
I pray that you will clear our minds of distractions today. Help our focus to be on You. Give us wisdom to trust in your word and to have faith that you will guide our steps.
In Jesus' Name,
Great job Tracey! I can SO relate to being easily distracted. It is so hard to balance the busyness of life and still manage to have the peace of the Lord...unless like you said we lean on scripture and slow down. Your post is such confirmation for me to just stop and enjoy the moments we have instead of worrying about what comes next on our list. I hung out with a friend today who has grown kids and she reminded me of a huge truth which was "time goes by fast and they will be all grown up before you know it." Thank you for encouraging us to slow down and enjoy our little ones as we slow down and enjoy the Lord too :)
ReplyDeleteThe mind of a nailed it on the head. I don't know a single mom who would not understand what you were talking about. You pulled me right in with you... I thought for a minute you were ease dropping in my head :) Great reminder of what we need to do in those moments. I apprecieate you Tracey...Thanks.
ReplyDeleteWow Tracey good call! Like Courtney said we can all relate. Great encouragement :)