Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Pretend Play

Our three year old son is really into "pretend play."  Let's pretend we're having a birthday party for Mickey, a boat ride (in his bed) a train ride (our bench cushions are the cars).  Or, let's create a city (out of paper plates and bowls), put on a show, etc.  I love the creativity that pretend play fosters.  3 is such a fun and exciting age!

It occurred to me recently that most "pretend play" scenarios can be guided, just a bit, to highlight a bible story or character trait that God would love for our little ones to ponder.  So, the next time my son wants to have a birthday party for a "friend", we'll turn it into a kingdom banquet.  According to Jesus, it's far more amazing and exciting than any party we've been to on earth!  Does your child like to "cook"?  Host a Last Supper!  A very pricey local pre-school does a fabulous job incorporating "pretend play" into their curriculum. One of their favorite activities is a pretend wedding, complete with all the characters, bride and groom, officiant, best man and maid of honor, groomsmen and bridesmaids, ushers, readers, flower girl and ring bearer,etc.  Why not create the wedding scene at Cana, where Jesus performed His first miracle?

Our next boat ride could be aboard Noah's Ark; our next train ride to heaven.  Take out a purple crayon, call your child "Harold" and encourage them to set out to find God, Jesus, Heaven.  Who would they meet along their journey?  What would propel them forward or hold them back?  What would they learn along the way? Let's be as intentional in their play, looking for opportunities to teach them about God, as we are in shepherding their little hearts for him. 

Psalm 78:4
We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done.

Have fun, mamas!  Any creative story-telling ideas or acts?  Post them here in the comments section!  I would love to hear them!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks friend! We just did a skit the other night with the big kids too!:)
