You will seek Me
and find Me,
when you seek Me
with all your heart.
- Jeremiah 29:13
This month I started a weekly Bible study. They provide childcare as well as homework for both the mom and kids too! WOW! I absolutely love it! Their homework aligns with mine and it holds us accountable to studying the word each morning together as a family.
We each have a workbook to complete and fill in. It allows my kiddos to feel like they have a part/role as they come to class as well. They want to finish their work so they can participate in class with answers.
3 Reasons I love going:
1) It holds us accountable.
Knowing someone will be checking in each week with
us to see how God is challenging us as we study His word.
2) It is healthy.
My kids are able to have God-filled conversations
with kids, outside of our family, as they learn skills to
defend their faith.
3) It gives my kids community with other little believers.
They get to rub shoulders with others kids that will spur them
on to take a stand for Jesus.
4) It is refreshing for me.
Each week I am given 2 whole hours to be with other women
kid-free to focus on Jesus. I am being sharpened by
other moms who love Jesus too! What a gift I cherish! God
challenges me to look more like Him and how to accept others
who are in a different place than myself.
Do you have a place you can go and be held accountable?
Who is speaking truth into your life?
Is there a friend you can go to when struggling, and trust they will guide you back to wisdom of the Word?
If you don't...pray and ask Him for a group/person to hold you accountable. It is well worth the effort it takes to get there. The Lord wants to encourage you and use you to speak life into others today. Join a small group of Christian women. If there isn't one, start one.
Something beautiful happens when women get together, share what He is doing in their life, and hold each other accountable!
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