Wednesday, July 10, 2013


“…Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” -Matthew 11:28-29 

Yesterday we returned back from our awesome annual family vacation.  At times it was a bit chaotic, as I have a newborn and two very active boys, in our beautiful 4 bedroom cabin overlooking the Smokey Mountains. More importantly- many sweet memories were made that will be cherished and looked back on, in years to come. 

It rained almost every day we were in Tennessee, but we welcomed it as if it were planned. The weather causes us to slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures that sometimes we passed by, in years past, when the sun was out. We ventured out into the freezing river waters and climbed upon huge rocks. Memories carved into the minds and hearts of my boys, and little Quinn too! 

My family had to slow down because of the rain. It caused us to rest. We needed rest. With the rest it seemed like the Lord also revealed those little areas in my life that I had let go. Yes I have a brand new baby and there is grace in the beginning of having a newborn, but if I were real honest there were things the Lord had been asking me to change for a long time that I had just let go. 

On the drive home, I revealed to my husband all the things the Lord had challenged me with on our trip. I was excited to share with him. He was excited for me too. James told me that rest equals revelation. That in those moments of quiet...the Lord will speak to us. Too often our hearts are never slowing long enough to hear the sweet whispers of Truth that God is saying to us. 

Vacations are healthy for us. Physically, spiritually and emotionally. They allow us to slow and sit to hear what HE wants from us. What HIS hope is for us.

Have you had a vacation this summer?

Make a plan to sit and still yourself long enough to hear HIS voice sometime this week. You will be amazed at how you are challenged. Do it! 

You don't have to travel far! Find that quiet place where you can be challenged to change! Allow yourself to rest and have the Holy Spirit reveal treasures in your life! It is life changing! You will be a better believer because of it!

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