Yesterday morning, I had the pleasure of speaking to a neat group of Christians about what children need from their parents’ marriage. Afterward, the ladies (and some of the husbands and children) all went out to lunch. One first-time mom named Kelly had brought her infant daughter. She was in the process of sharing cute stories about the little girl when she suddenly stopped. “I’m sorry for talking so much about my daughter,” she said.
We all assured her there was nothing to be sorry about, and Bethany agreed. “I talk about my daughter all the time,” Bethany said, laughing. “If you don’t want to talk about my daughter, we got nothin’ to say to each other.”
Bethany’s point was one we moms all know well: we like to talk about our children, and we talk about them a lot. If someone isn’t interested in hearing about our children, there probably won’t be much of a connection between the two of us.
It’s the same point God wants us to understand. He has a Son who is very important to Him. And if someone isn’t interested in His Son, there’s no connection between that person and God.
The Bible tells us that because of our sin, the relationship between God and us was broken. We could no longer come close to Him because of the huge moral chasm between us. So God, because of His immense and perfect love for us, sent His Son Jesus to take the punishment for our sins so that we didn’t have to. So that we could be reconciled to Him, back into a loving, intimate daily relationship.
If someone isn’t interested in that—if someone doesn’t care about Jesus and what He’s done for them—there’s no connection with God. “You’re not interested in my Son?” God asks. “Then we have nothing to say to each other.”
Fortunately, the reverse is also true. When someone does care about what Jesus did for her, when she loves Jesus and accepts His rule over her life, that connection with God is repaired, and she and God have everything in the world to say to each other.
God doesn’t just save us from our sins and then ignore us for the rest of our lives. He has so many things He wants to say to us. He wants to speak love and joy into our lives, instruction and correction, strength and comfort. But He only says those things to those with whom He has a relationship. And the only way to have a relationship with Him is through His Son Jesus.
Interested in Jesus? A fantastically incredible relationship with the God of the universe is yours for the asking.
Not interested? That’s your choice. But it’s the most tragic choice you’ll ever make.
John 14:6— Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
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