"Slightly sad today on our way home from Disney"...that's how a recent journal entry of mine began. While there were magical moments, our son had a blast and I'll be the first to admit I love the whole Disney experience, there was more family conflict than I hoped. My mom joined us and there were times when our family looked like a three headed dragon with all three heads pulling in different directions. Ever been there? This trip highlighted a few areas that I need to work on, but most important it reminded me of how much I NEED time with Jesus, even on vacation. In fact, especially on a family vacation! I expected that I would have my quiet time each morning, but I didn't make the necessary choices and sacrifices to allow myself that time. Our son didn't sleep well and woke up earlier than usual and we were off to the parks. We stayed at the parks all day and arrived back at the hotel late at night. We were tired. The second day was worse than the first, not just because we were all more tired, but because it had been longer since I had been with Jesus.
"If only I had read this while I was in Orlando - exactly what I needed! Each day." That was a segment from my journal about half way into my quiet time on my way home from Disney. I was catching up, reading "Becoming More Than Just a Good Bible Study Girl", by Lysa Terkeurst, Days 3 and 4. Had I read Days 3 and 4 and the corresponding truth of God's word that He knew I needed on those days, I would have been better prepared for what those days would bring. Had I spent some one on one time with Him, I would have been more in tune to the Holy Spirit's leading and I know the result of that would have been a more peaceful and joyful weekend for everyone, especially me.
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” - Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV)
Enjoy your summer, and your vacation. Wherever you are, seek the Lord for your refreshment. His word is our fuel. Don't travel on an empty tank! Refuel before you get to the red line.
Thanks Ingrid! That is always a struggle for me too on vacations, especially with little ones. But oh so important.