Friday, June 6, 2014

New Shoes!

We are a week and a day away from “Show Time!”  Yes, Hope has made it to another recital.  Next weekend she will dance for an audience of one.  She has a beautiful costume and she is ready for the pieces she is in.
     But tonight?  Not so much.  She got in the car from her late evening rehearsal so cranky.  She was hyper-focused on the fact her teacher had told her she needed new point shoes.
     Point shoes are no small investment and Hope understands. 
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As she sat at our bar eating her dinner at minutes before 10 o’clock.  I noticed how very quiet and sullen she seemed.  I asked if she was anxious.
     She immediately fell apart.  I walked over to Hope and put my arms around her.  (I told her that was the clue she needed to put her arms around me too! I’m still trying to teach her appropriate social skills.)
     I assured her everything was going to work out, but not before I asked  what she feeling.  Her anxiety was over her shoes and her desire to preform flawlessly next Saturday night.
     Hope carries herself very confidently.  I didn’t expect her to feel the level of anxiety that she does.  I’m glad I asked.  I’m glad she was honest and could articulate her emotion (she has come so far.)
     I prayed with her tonight that she would trust the Lord.  I prayed Hope would not feel anxious.  I prayed about her shoes and her performance.  Mostly, my prayer was praise.  Praise she has been able to dance this year.  Praise she has developed as a dancer.  Praise I was chosen to be her mom. 
     I also privately thanked the Lord that I didn’t react too harsh on our drive home from rehearsal.  I thanked the Lord that I didn’t rebuke Hope for her grumpy attitude on the way home.  I’m thankful I noticed Hope wasn’t herself while she ate.
     Please let me encourage you moms, watch for what your child is NOT saying.  Ask what is underlining their negative behaviors.  Offer to support them while they make sense of their personal frustrations.  Being available to help with their frustrations is far more productive than joining them or handing out consequences that only adds to their difficulties.

     And tomorrow?  We will stop by the ballet store and get new shoes!
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Proverbs 3: 5, 6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart.  Lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will make your paths straight."

1 comment:

  1. I love this!!! So true and too many times I have been guilty of this very thing. Thank you Jonnie for posting this💗
