Thursday, June 26, 2014

Reach Out When You're Struggling

 Two are better than one, 
because they have a good return
 for their work:  If one falls down,
 his friend can help him up. 
But pity the man who falls 
and has no one to help him up!
 - Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

So yesterday was a tough day. Oh it started out a local water park where we had FREE admission tickets to get in. We played and splashed for hours. We all loved the lazy river. Then I got into a little tiff with another parent. A scuffle you might say :) I was holding one of the "squirters" so my son could cross the lily pads without being hosed down, where a boy had been strategically just moments before his mom called him over to get re-sunscreened.  Before I knew it, his mom was in my peripheral and totally dismissed my reasoning as I shared with her why I was holding down the "squirter." She scolded me that I "was at a water park" and walked away. There it went. My great and amazing day. I got frustrated - to which I responded by praying for her as I floated down the lazy river one more time. This incident was followed by both boys having meltdowns on the way to the car. 

On my drive home, satan was working overtime on my mind. He brought to remembrance a few of my relationship struggles that week. And before I knew it I was overwhelmed and my heart was heavy. As we got settled at home - with dinner and showers- there were a few other little hiccups. Of course it was right before I left for ladies Bible study. 

The next day, I was able to connect with a good friend who reminded me of truth. I shared my heart and craziness from the day before. She listened. She reminded me of my purpose and His plan. She told me what I needed to hear, not just what I wanted to hear. She reminded me to pray. She encouraged and uplifted my heaviness.  I am so glad I don't walk this life alone. Jesus created us for community. He knew we would struggle and need a friend to listen on those tough days.

Do you have someone you can reach out to when you're struggling?

Friends who love Jesus are priceless. 

Do you have one? 

If yes...
Take a moment and call them and let them know what they mean to you.

If no...
Pray HE will provide you with one. 

They are a gift and a necessity in this crazy life called motherhood.

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