Saturday, June 21, 2014

Encouragement for the Homeschooling Mom

Commit your plans unto 
the Lord and they 
will succeed. 
- Proverbs 16:3

A friend recently sent me this blog link and it was a breath of fresh air. It reminded me of who am I, and where I want to be as I homeschool my kids. I can get caught up in my many failures of the day, instead of focusing on the call HE has on my life and being obedient to walk it out in faith. Trusting. Praying. Believing. I hope this link encourages your heart too!

Note: If your kids are in public school...that is awesome too! We need missionaries out there spreading the love of Jesus. We must always remember to keep our eyes open, watching, as HE is always placing ministry opportunities before us. 

Ladies, remember not to put your convictions on another. We very lovingly can do this and be unaware of the pressure we place on a friend who chooses differently than us. Pray for wisdom. He will reveal truth for you and your family and however that looks - specifically in making educational decisions :)

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