"Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little." -Philippians 4:11-12
This week we are out of routine. Me and the kids are at my parent's house -dog-sitting- while they're away. It's been awesome! Nothing is normal. We are climbing trees, swimming tons (we don't have a pool @ our house), playing card games & board games too! We left the iPad in the van, and to be honest we haven't missed it at all.
I have really enjoyed the quality time with no electronic devices attached to it! This break has been refreshing and eye opening. I have so enjoyed my quality time with the kids. It was especially meaningful with my son who is usually my challenging one. I have seen him in a new light. He is so smart and funny! Many times his struggles cloud my view of that. He has done a great job of taking turns (something children with Aspergers typically struggle with) as he has played games. He is such a good big brother to his baby sister too. Because I have had to slow down, it has caused me to thank God for the simplistic blessings I have taken for granted in the fast paced life I live. I need to, more often, take time to play.
I have been blessed. Stripped away from normalcy. Clarity given. Grace received. So thankful for my life - HE- has hand-picked me to live.
Praise God today for one Truth HE has shown you.
Share that Truth with someone else!
Ps. Quality time is cherished by your children too! That "card game" will end
up being the high of his day!! Take time to
play with your kiddos today!
Such a great reminder! That has been my prayer lately...to slow down enough to enjoy my kids! Thank you, Kate, for sharing! :)