Saturday, May 24, 2014

Grateful for HIS Plan

A couple of days ago I decided to finally nail in some frames on our walls ...after only a year of living in our new home :) I reminisced at each picture I picked up and held, remembering the sweetness of my kiddos at a much simpler age. I looked at friends I had before we moved and felt honored to be a part of their "world" for 6 years.

There was one picture that when I came across it I began to weep. It represented a much simpler day. Everyone was smiling. It was before therapies and big struggles. Before moving and those days when I felt alone. It was before three kids (but our lives wouldn't be the same without our sweet Quinnie). An easier time. 

Many times we can look at a photo (gotta love Facebook) or have a memory of a time that seems much easier. A time we want to go back to because the current situation we live in is harder. 

But remember HE is doing a work in and through your struggle. 

It's ok to smile at times of old, but just don't honker down and try to live in a time that is expired. God has a reason for your trial. He plucks us out of places and relocates us to impact new neighbors for Christ. It's not all about you! It's about eternity and the people HE loves and wants you to share with. You- with your experience and love for Jesus can make a big impact for Jesus.TOTALLY preaching to myself here!  

So what's the lesson of this blog: be content with where HE has you. Be grateful for HIS plan...even if you don't understand it. HE loves you! HE sees you right where you are. HE has a purpose in the picture of your life right now.

History makes up where you've been, but Eternity makes up where you are going! 

 Ecclesiastes 8:17 then I saw all that God has done. No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun. Despite all his efforts to search it out, man cannot discover its meaning. Even if a wise man claims he knows, he cannot really comprehend it.

What is HE saying to you through this blog? What do you think HE wants you to do about it?

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