Saturday, September 21, 2013

His Plan Looks Different Than Mine

 As I look back, nearly a month has gone by since enrolling my son in public school. I went in with great hopes of seeing his weaknesses turn into strengths. As the first week came to a close, I had thoughts of withdrawing him as it was both emotionally and spiritually draining. Most days ended with a report from his teacher that showed his behavior wasn't good. Daily phone calls and/or emails from his teacher, highlighting his struggles, made me sad. She encouraged my husband and I to consider homeschooling him again. I scratched my head wondering, "What just happened?"

I had prayed, sought counsel, received confirmation in scripture and honestly felt the Holy Spirit guiding me in that decision. So what happened? His plan. It wouldn't be until a few weeks later that I felt the Lord encourage me to email his teacher (who no longer was his teacher as we were homeschooling again) and ask how I could serve her in the classroom this year even as my son was no longer her student.

As my fingers typed her that email, my flesh was so weary but I chose to obey His prompting. Not understanding. Not  knowing why, but I obeyed. She responded back excitedly wanting me to volunteer in her classroom weekly. She doesn't know Jesus. HE has a plan. HE wants to show her His love.

The Lord planned this whole thing. HE knew my husband would go in for a conference and ask to pray with her. HE knew I would send response emails with scripture verses in them to her. HE knew we needed to voice to her how we are praying for her daily and had been (for the perfect teacher for my son) over the summer as well. HE knew my son would only be there for a week. HE knew we needed her and she needed us too!

I plan to volunteer in her classroom soon. I am praying my eyes will be open for ministry opportunities in out-of-the-ordinary ways, as I serve her. 

Has that happened to you before? When you have heard Him and obeyed yet it went completely different than you thought?  Did HIS plan look different than what you were expecting?

Has HE directed ministry through your kids, for you to do, that was unexpected?

Keep your eyes open for ministry opportunities, with those you entrust your little ones to.

HIS plan looked different than mine but what an amazing journey my faith will be if I will trust and obey.

ps. My son's teacher shared with a colleague (who also is a friend of ours) that she would like to try out our church sometime! God is working! WOOHOO!

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord, Kate!!! I love hearing the amazing things God is doing in your life as you walk in obedience to Him! Thank you for sharing! This blog was soooo encouraging to obey even when we don't understand. :)
