Monday, March 5, 2012


“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you can imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9 (NLT)

My husband and I have two amazing little boys. Our oldest son is bright, funny, considerate, and full of life. The youngest thinks he is just like his big brother except in a smaller package, but his feistiness is just about big enough for the two of them. Well, you can imagine that having two boys we have lots of trucks, trains, ships, jets, cars, etc. Our house is generally a little loud and we absolutely must find a way for them to run around and get the wiggly jigglies out every day. There simply is no staying indoors with two boys or the house gets completely turned inside out. Such is the life with boys, and I love it!

Yet as exciting as our boys are, my husband and I often get the question, “So, when are you guys going to try for a girl?” This question always makes me laugh because when any couple tries to have a baby they don’t get to pre-pick the gender. I came to the conclusion that if we were to try again, we would have to be happy either way. However, this question of whether we should have another little one was not a light one in our house. We just weren’t sure. Wait, let me correct myself. I wasn’t sure if we should have more kids. On the other hand, my husband was quite sure that we were done. I wrestled with God and pondered the true desires of my heart and what was best for our family. Some days I wanted more, other days I thought two was enough. I just didn’t know!

I love that God has such a sense of humor because while I was praying for wisdom and direction, we found out we were pregnant again! We were both shocked! Well, I was shocked, but my husband was floored. LOL However, the really funny and amazing part is that after the shock wore off (for the both of us), there was nothing left except sheer excitement…for the both us! Although we had our reasons and questions and doubts, God knew exactly what we needed and deep down what we really wanted. My husband and I often both talk about how we had no idea that that we would feel this way. It was like God searched our hearts, saw beyond the fears and concerns, and knew that we would relish having another little one…guy or gal! I am so thankful for our all-knowing, all-powerful God. I am also incredibly thankful that His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Bottom line: I want to invite Him to change up my plans more often.

“In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.” Proverbs 16:9 (NIV)

Heavenly Father, thank you for being so good to us. Thank you for knowing what we truly desire even when our own hearts are conflicted. Thank you that you have good plans for our lives—plans that are higher and better than our own. Thank you that you do not waver back and forth, but that you are steadfast and sure. Help us seek your face each day and welcome the changes of our course that you bring about. We love you God. Thank you for loving us even more. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


  1. Congratulations, Teresa!! When are you due?? So excited for you--you're in my prayers.

  2. Congrats and Blessings to you guys! Another beautiful little baby! So happy for you and rejoicing in God's revelation of His perfect plan for your family!

  3. Very encouraging! He does know best, Been there ;) and may I just say how excited we are for you guys!! <3
