Saturday, March 17, 2012

Comfort Received Comfort Given

Today was a tough day. Went to ladies Bible study this morning where I was called out early because my child was misbehaving. I was sad and embarrassed as I left realizing how challenging my son can be with obeying authority. As I drove home teary-eyed I remembered my son's struggle in children's ministry the previous year. It was a full year of angst before we saw how Christ would answer our prayers. It was the day our son moved up into a new class, the four year old room, that we met two wonderful teachers hand-picked by the Lord just for our family.

I can still remember our first day with Miss Edi and Mr. Jerry. I was hesitant and afraid of what we would hear at pick up since we had more bad reports than good in our class prior. I shared my heart with them about my son's previous struggles. After service Miss Edi explained that my son did struggle but told me that she would pray for him and see us next week. Those words gave such comfort a mom who was broken and weary.... and a son needing to know his teacher's loved him.

"...those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed." - Proverbs 11:25

The next week Miss Edi and Mr. Jerry were thrilled to see my son! How refreshing for the mom of a challenging child. Miss Edi told us she had been praying for him that week and I could sense it as she was genuinely excited to see him. I was so touched by her words of comfort and concern. I walked away with tears in my eyes and watched my son go to class with joy in his heart.

Each week I watched my son run to class instead of fearing it. All because his teachers had faith in him and a mighty God who is powerful to answer prayer. It allowed me to see that if a child sees others believe in him, then he will as well. I am so grateful for Miss Edi and Mr. Jerry and the tangible lesson they taught my family about the love of Jesus. They stepped in the gap for a mom who needed it.

Anyone out there have an active child with tons of energy that can drain you emotionally and physically somedays making you want to give up?  I think sometimes in our Christian walk we are so afraid of what others think that we fail to share our hurts. Our pride gets in the way and in doing this we rob friends of a great task.....the ability to pray for and with us bringing comfort through the trial.

As I look back, I am so grateful my son's teachers listened to my concerns and brought it to our heavenly father in prayer. What a gift and I pray that as I see others struggling I can do the same. I want to be like Miss Edi, a bright light for Jesus with an open heart to the needs of others.

Are you afraid to share your struggles with others? Ask friends to pray for you and watch Him work.

Do you reach out, like Miss Edi, with a heart to listen and lift up the hurts of others in prayer?

A simple text message ,"How can I be praying for you today friend?" means the world to a struggling mommy.

This week pray that the Lord opens your eyes to the needs of others and praise Him for the gift of prayer.

Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. - Isaiah 40:1

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