Friday, August 8, 2014

Really?!? Mother's Day in August!

         Mother’s Day has always been one of my favorite holidays!  Even though I personally have only celebrated 24 of them, I began to love Mother’s Day in May 1970.
         My youngest brother, Neal was born in May just in time for Mother’s Day.  His birthday actually lands on the actual date on occasion.  Six years my junior I saw Neal as the prized gift any mother would celebrate!
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Mother’s Day this year should have been one of my best.  I was with my mother in the morning.  We then drove the 333 miles through two states to celebrate with my mother in law that evening.  Being with both of these special ladies was truly a blessing.
         However, what happened along the 333 miles was by far one of my low points in mothering.  No, I couldn’t discuss it with you then.  It was too fresh and I couldn’t put into words my hurt, but suffice it to say it wasn’t fun trying to correct, discipline and train our youngest by phone over 700 miles away.
         This week as we have wrapped up our last official week of summer I couldn’t be happier.  We have enjoyed a super relaxing summer.  Our son has graduated, gotten married and set up his home just around the corner.  Greg and I have taken some time off and have been able to travel. We feel lavished in joy as our oldest quickly approaches her third year of marriage. 
         This week as I shopped alone with our youngest, for school supplies and uniforms it felt like what I think Mother’s Day should feel like.  She was very appreciative for all that we were able to do and see and buy.  We chatted like old friends on a front porch swing and we laughed like schoolgirls on the playground.

         It was the reality check that sometimes holidays and “every days” don’t go as we expect or planned.  When we do enjoy a day of less stress and more joy we can make them the “Mother’s Day” of the moment. I think I will drop my expectations of special occasions and see each day as the potential to be just that.  When a ordinary day becomes an extraordinary day I will revel in it and give it the honorary “Mother’s Day” award!  

1 comment:

  1. Happy Mother's Day Joannie! :) Enjoy you ordinary extraordinary day(s)! Thank you for your post! Missi
