Wednesday, May 1, 2013

If only I had...

more money, less debt, no debt, a skinnier body, a healthy body, new clothes, more confidence, more compliments, more approval, a husband, a more romantic husband, a healthy husband, a better sex life, a better marriage, a more successful career, a different career, a career at home, a home, a bigger home, a more beautifully decorated home, a second home, a peaceful, joyful home, another child, one less child just for a day, more obedient children, a healthy child, family I could count on, my mom back, more help, more time, a better personality, more friends, better friends, a best friend, less friends, a do-over, more self-control, more mercy, more peace, more faith...

What is it for you?

In her book, Becoming More Than Just a Good Bible Study Girl, Lisa Terkeurst wisely shares that "apart from a thriving relationship with God, even if you got everything on your list, there would still be a hollow gap in your soul."  Lysa continues, "Instead of saying, 'If only I had...' and filling that gap in with some person, possession, profession, or position, make a choice to replace that statement with something that draws your heart into God's truth. " A verse. Or two.  I took Lysa's challenge and wrote out my "If only I had..." statements out on note cards.  Then, I provided a verse from scripture to bring me to God's truth on the matter.  I will keep these at the ready the next time the enemy, or anyone else, leads me to believe there is anything I need that God hasn't or won't provide. 

In last week's blog, "Crowned King", Maggie touched on how our idols can affect our children.  If they see us pining for something other than the King himself, and especially, more than our one and only Lord, how will that affect their priorities?  Or even their little hearts for God?  

What I am pondering tonight is, at what age does this all begin?  When do our children start to have "If only I had..." statements of their own? Oh moms, let's teach them how to fight this battle from an early age!  Let's equip them with their own age appropriate note cards or other resources to remind them that God is the only one who can fill them.  "If only I had..." the verses I wrote this week through my elementary, middle, high-school and college years.  I would have won a lot more battles!

Whether you or your child struggle with "the temptation to let people, possessions or position take God's place in your life", even for a minute, here are a few verses to help. The categories are Lysa's, but the words are from the Lord.

People - I am counting on the Lord; yes, I am counting on him.  I have put my hope in his word. Psalm 130:5.  NLT Others will disappoint, but our Lord will never fail us.   He is the love of our life, our very best friend and must trustworthy confidant.

Possessions - Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-21 NLT

Position - Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105. We may or may not need a better or different position, but what we need more is God's Word to guide us.  "Only as I follow Him and honor Him step by step can I be assured that I'm right where He wants me to be doing what He wants me to do." - Lysa Terkeurst

So, moms, let's "be honest in our estimate of ourselves, measuring our value by how much faith God has given us " (Romans 12:3) and nothing more.  Let's teach our children to do the same.  And when emptiness surfaces in our own hearts or those of our precious little ones, let's make sure it's God who fills us. 


  1. I love your post! Thank you for sharing! This is one I think I will need to come back and read from time to time! Missi

  2. Amen!!!! Love this, Ingrid! Exactly what I needed to hear!

  3. Beautifully written friend! I can't wait to get my book and get started!:-)
