Friday, February 13, 2015

My Best Valentine!

         I have been blessed with sweet memories of Valentine’s.  Yes, “romantic memories” but my favorite memory remains my first memory of Valentine’s.
         I was six years old the first Valentine’s I remember.  What made it memorable was waking that morning to a single long stemmed red rose from my daddy. I remember feeling special and loved and even grown up.
(Google Image)
         My dad also made a practice of taking me on dates with him. We would go to the Howard Johnson’s restaurant for the turkey dinner or fried clams.  We went to see movies and took rides to see his co-workers at the rescue squad. I have vivid memories of getting excited about my time alone with dad.
         Last week while walking through a local restaurant my heart watched as a dad and little girl skipped in.  He took her to a small two-topped table with a bouquet of miniature red roses.
         The little girl scrambled to sit on her knees and lean over to chat with her daddy, complete with holding his hands with only the bouquet separating them.  The little girl giggled as she talked with him and the daddy seemed totally awed by her presence.

(Google Image)
Life is so full, so busy, so demanding.  We have to be proactive in finding ways to make our children feel important. We can take them on a “date” or give them a special gift. Who knows? This Valentine’s Day may be your child’s best!


  1. Beautiful! Our world is sending messages of how to abuse our daughters, and then I find something so sweet posted. I'm so happy you had that kind of dad. You are blessed, dear one.

    1. Donna, I so don't take my daddy or my life for granted. But there remains a huge piece of compassion and a desire to "fix" all the sweet baby girls that don't have that kind of dad. I have written before about my Father sharing honestly he isn't perfect and wasn't perfect. (He likes to remind me too!) I hold on to what I know: God is THE perfect Father. He is the only Daddy who will never let us down. He always has a rose for YOU! Thank you for commenting Donna, you have given me another great Valentine!
