Friday, August 2, 2013

Hurdles in a Race

         If you have been reading this blog for three years, then you will remember one of my first posts was about our son starting college.  Yesterday, I put him on the plane for his last year.
         I remember my emotions as we left him on the campus after a fun filled vacation as a family.  I remember bawling without consolation for almost three hours.  My heart and mind raced with thoughts and questions. I wondered had I done a good job as a mom; I wondered what I should have done differently; and I wondered if he would stay true to his faith in college.
         Yesterday, as he boarded the plane, my heart was filled with hurt for this momentary separation.  I felt hurt knowing our lives under the same roof are narrowing into days. 
         Today as I have “bumped” into my man-child in his clothes left in the laundry basket, his favorite leftovers, his perfectly straightened room…my heart pushed some big tears to my eyes.
         The tears are more for joy.  Joy that college has exceeded his expectations.  College has allowed him to soar.  No, he hasn’t gotten through on his own or without a few bumps and bruises, but he has grown and matured into an even greater man.
         The Bible records that “Jesus grew in stature and favor with God and man.”  I have been studying the second chapter of John where Mary the mother of Jesus tells the servants at the wedding of Cana to do “whatever He (Jesus) tells you to do.”

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         Mary watched her God-manchild grow and mature.  She must have been really proud of Him.  Mary probably saw His godliness and other times saw His perfect humanity. 
         What an honor it is to be a mom right?  There really is no finish line, just places we stand on the sidelines encouraging our children to love the Lord and others.  To let their lights shine and to be the salt of the earth.  
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         So this college accomplishment is really just a hurdle in the race.  Like Mary, we can stand in awe knowing only the Lord can grow our children into the people He has designed them to be.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! So true and encouraging to us mommies with little ones!
