Saturday, August 10, 2013

Being Present

 Playing Go-Fish

It was a long day. I was excited to just relax,  when my oldest reminded me of  my promise to play "Go Fish." I tucked my other son in bed, and headed out to enjoy some quality time. My flesh was tired, but I knew it was my word that my son wondered if I would keep.
As I sat down to play, I was reminded of a saying I recently heard which said,

Present in the moment.

Present in the memory I am making with my little guy.

Present in those conversations, seeming shallow, that build foundation for those deeper talks later.

Present and without any distraction.

Facebook, email, and texting are all great things except when it pulls us away from quality time with family. Be careful. Our kids totally are aware and listening WAY more than we think they are :)

Carve out some one- on- one time with one of your kids. Allow them to be your complete focus during your time together! Shut the phone down. Turn the tv off.

Make memories. Be present.

 So I saw that there is nothing better for people than to be happy in their work. That is why we are here! No one will bring us back from death to enjoy life after we die. -Ecclesiastes 3:22

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