Monday was a beautiful family day at the water park when my youngest son picked up a "treasure" off the ground.
FYI - "treasure" is anything found on ground he deems awesome :)
It was a circular white piece of plastic, pvc type, wide enough to be a bracelet and he just fell in love with it immediately. My hands were full, giving my newborn a bottle, so I encouraged him to just put it down and we would pick it up later on our way out. He was sad but obeyed.
We stayed 4 hours enjoying the great weather with sweet memories being made. As we left the park I totally forgot to look for the "treasure" we had left earlier. It was a few days later, as the kids were in bed, that I realized I had not kept my word with my son. My heart broke and I took out a sticky note and wrote a reminder to apologize to my little guy, the following morning, for not staying true to what I had said.
I got up the next morning, grateful, to take my son aside and tell him just how sorry I was for not keeping my word. That I had forgotten to get the plastic "treasure." To some reading, this may seem silly, but I want my son to know that what is important to also to me. I also desire my kids to trust that I am a mommy who keeps my word (the best I can) and when I fail them... I come humbly asking for forgiveness.
SO I started a new trend on my kitchen counter, with sticky notes. Reminding me of things happening each week that I need to do. On the night I realized I left the "treasure" at the park I put a sticky note on the counter to remind me to talk to him about it. If not I am sure I would have forgotten.
Be a mommy who cares. Take the time to apologize when you have wronged your children. Put those sticky notes in place to remember those "treasures" that mean so little to us but so much to our kids. They care that we care!
Do you have a great memory? What system do you have in place to remind you of important meetings, dates, ect.?
Look for something your child "treasures" and allow a few minutes for you to enjoy that "treasure" with them. Don't pass up those moments even if your hands are full. Delight in those little details that bring them great joy. The Lord delights, as a parent, in your steps and the details of your life. Try not to be too busy that you miss delighting as a parent too!
The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
He delights in every detail of their lives. - Psalm 37:23
Thanks for this post, Kate! Great reminder to take the time to enjoy alongside our little ones what's important to them.