Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Intentional Concentrated Attention

Our five year-old Matthew and I were up early the other day so we went for a brisk morning walk together and talked along the way.  His sister and daddy were still asleep when we returned home so we started breakfast together.  Then another day he saw me reading my Bible so he got his Illustrated Children’s Bible (New Testament) out and we read together from that.  Both of these cool moments were totally unplanned by me.   I feel honored when I get these concentrated opportunities with my son and I’m thinking he likes it too.

“My son, pay attention to my wisdom; Lend your ear to my understanding, That you may preserve discretion, And your lips may keep knowledge.” Proverbs 5:1-2

A friend gave me a great advice about “dating” my son.  She encouraged me to take just him out to eat and let him talk.  Speaking from wisdom she let me in on a thing or two about boys/guys – they talk over food.  Mommas, if we spend this concentrated time with our sons on a regular basis, they will be comfortable talking to us about anything… and probably setting them up to be able to communicate well with a wife someday, too.

I also witnessed this intentional concentration on one child at a time through my mother-in-law who was a foster mom of many children at a time.  She would set aside her schedule and the child’s schedule to spend that day dedicated to that child.  Usually it was just for a few hours or just to a certain place the child really enjoyed.  Come to think of it, she did this with me too when I was dating my husband, before marriage.  It’s a time to listen, encourage, listen, have fun, listen, observe, and oh did I mention to listen?

Leave a comment below if you do this and what benefits you’ve experienced as a result of purposefully concentrating time on the children in your care, one at a time.  

Monday, January 26, 2015

Hope in the Lord

O Israel, hope in the LORD; 
for with the LORD there is unfailing love. 
His redemption overflows. 
He himself will redeem Israel 
from every kind of sin. 
-Psalms‬ ‭130‬:‭7-8‬ 

-Hope in the Lord-
So many times we place our hope in so many other things. Thinking that vacation, that therapy,  that extra  money, that bigger house, that better school...will bring us hope and joy. Truth is - those things are great but our joy will only be full when we find our hope in the Lord.

-His love is unfailing-
Daily I find myself reflecting on the happenings of our day - sometimes rejoicing other times praying my kids will forget the crazy we experienced. I love how this verse reminds me that His love never fails. He is a good Father who loves me unconditionally regardless
of how well I "performed" as a mommy. He longs for me to bring my failures and "freak-out moments" before Him. As I sit at His feet, the Word reminds me of how great God's love for me is. It never fails.

-His redemption overflows-
I love how God reminds us to come to Him like children. In humility and without shame. And Jesus promises that He will restore and redeem those moments I want to forget. Tossing them into the depths of the ocean...

"Once again you will have compassion on us. 
You will trample our sins under your feet 
and throw them into the depths of the ocean! 
-Micah‬ ‭7‬:‭19‬

Which of the points above do you need to be reminded of today? 

God loves you! 

Being a "mom" - is a full-time ministry and God has great plans in store for you!

Continue to seek His face (-psalm 105:4) in all you do
and it will continue to reflect in the beauty of your spirit.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Holding Each Other Up

"Moses' arms soon became so tired he could no longer hold them up. So Aaron and Hur found a stone for him to sit on. Then they stood on each side of Moses, holding up his hands. So his hands held steady until sunset." - Exodus 17:12

I love this section of scripture. We read about a strong man, Moses, who over time got weary and needed help. He had a call on his life, was a leader, but couldn't do it alone. He needed community. He needed friends to lift him up (literally holding up his arms) because he had grown weak and couldn't fight the battle alone. As long as his hands were raised toward God, his team was winning. 

This is such a great picture of motherhood. We need friends who are willing to stand in the gap with us when we have no strength left. When our hearts want to give up. When the enemy of our soul says, "You're not making a difference...just give up!" 

Being a mom is tough. Some days you wonder why God called you to this ministry. Yes it is a full-time unpaid position in ministry...raising up the next generation for Jesus. Constantly being taught humility as we make mistakes and ask for forgiveness. Our character is being built to look like Jesus...a servant leader. 

I received a text from a sweet Momma friend the other day asking for prayer. Sharing her hardships and the exhaustion of her day. How trying her kids were. Totally understand. A group of us rallied together and lifted her up in prayer. "Holding up her hands" from afar. 

Another text I received from a  friend was sharing how her family may go to down to one car, to save on finances, and I remember that "season." I remembered back how we had a similar experience!  It wasn't forever, but it was a season. 

God has given us this great opportunity to hold each other's arms up. Just like Hur and Aaron did for Moses in the verse up above. Giving our friends a spot to sit and rest. A safe place to share the struggles and to pray with them. They helped hold his hands up until they were steady. 

Is there someone in your life that needs help keeping their "hands steady" as they parent? 

How can you encourage them this week? Is there a way you can lighten their load and allow them to sit and rest.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What Are you waiting for?

Those five simple words can spark a lot of emotion. When we hear those words we can be moved by anger or by perseverance. Now, it all depends on the situation at hand and how these words are spoken. Many times, we often hear those words in our head, but more often than not, we don't follow-through with the answer.
"What are you waiting for?" Is it a new job, car, home, child, miracle... In different seasons of life we are waiting for different things. Today, I would like to talk about what we do in the "wait" time.
There are countless Scriptures in the Bible that teach us how we should wait. Here are a few:
And here is my favorite one: "but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isa 40:31.
We are instructed countless times in His Word that we wait in hope, trust, faith and patience. There are many times the season of waiting does not feel like a season any longer but more of a lifestyle. As your heart grows burdened by what seems to be a silence from God, turn to His promises in the Word and remember He is good, and His timing is perfect.

God's plan for you is a perfect plan. It will not always be pleasant, but it will always be perfect. We have to trust with a faith unseen that he is working out the details of our circumstance, and in His perfect time He will answer us in our "wait."
It's not always easy, not always fun, but when we wait on The Author and Perfecter of our Faith, His will ends up being better for us than we could have ever hoped for or imagined. Eph. 3:20
As He faithfully answers, journal or write down the verses He leads you too. I will write down verses on index cards and while I am "waiting" on an answer from Him, I will meditate and pray over these Scriptures. When I do that a peace will flood into my heart, helping me wait with patience.
My prayer for you and I today is that we would fully turn over our "waiting for" to the Lord and wholeheartedly wait in great expectation for His answer; and when His answer comes-albeit a "yes" or "no" or a "not yet" that we would continue to trust in His plan for our life. 
In Him,

Monday, January 19, 2015

"Be a Memory Maker" by Stacey Wooddell Imbimbo

I love reminiscing about the past, looking at old pictures or videos, or recanting a great moment.
My husband and I enjoy talking about when we met, how he proposed, finding out that we were pregnant, and having our kids.
Talking about it and helping each other remember facts is so much fun.
Now that we are parents we get to help make wonderful memories with and for our kids.
For me, I can get all caught up in doing something "Big" with the kids to create a fun memory.
Not that there is anything wrong with doing a big vacation or such.
Sometimes its the simple things that make great memories.
This past week we told the kids that when daddy comes home that we would have family movie night.
Family movie night is not a brand new idea, but for us it was a first. My kids are 2,3, and 4 and are just now into sitting through a movie.
Frozen pizza, popcorn, and a favorite snack made that night extra special.  We pulled our king size mattress into the middle of the living room and snuggled all together while enjoying this simple moment.
Having the whole family together sharing the moment will make a great memory.
It doesn't have to take a lot of effort, but make it a point to get the family together.
Play a game, cook a meal, go for a walk, or enjoy family movie night.
Make each moment count...they are wonderful memories.

So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. - Psalm 90:12

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Special Needs Mama's Listen up!

  He renews my strength.
He guides me along right paths,
    bringing honor to his name
-Psalm 23:3 NLT 

Lately I have honed in on this verse. It has resonated with me and touched my heart in a new and vibrant way. I think so often when we hear someone reference the 23rd Psalm we think of it as oh so familiar. But the other day this verse came alive in my life. The way only the Word of God can.

He renews my strength
Lately, I have been physically weak,  from caring for my three kids who have been fighting sickness for almost a month, mentally exhausted as we have tried to keep up with therapy appointments, missing church (getting together with other encouraging families), and  emotionally struggled with my son with Asperger's, who has had extra crazy to display - because we have been way off our normal schedule.

God promises to renew my strength as I take time each day - in quiet time- allowing Him to be my Shepherd. 

Have you felt tired lately? 

Overextended and wanting to give up. 

Take five minutes right now. Stop, pray, breathe, and allow Him to renew you. Each day you must be filled afresh with the Holy Spirit in order to pour out His goodness to your kids. So convicting I know. It is a discipline we must all train ourselves with.

 He guides me along right paths 
As we walk this line of parenting a special needs child, God will direct our paths in ways - He can most be glorified. Causing us to interact, rub shoulders, and love therapists and teachers we wouldn't have otherwise encountered. 

They need to see Jesus. 

God wants to use you. Your child. Your life. 

How you handle the crazy. It is so important to remember HE is the captain of your ship seeking those lighthouses where the light can best be seen. His light shining in the darkness. A child with special needs, a mom who loves Jesus, and a therapist who needs to hear truth weekly lived out in your life.

                                bringing honor to his name 
As we maneuver through this crazy exhausting life - we must remember Christ is our goal. Our heart will be happier. Our mind will be intentional - looking at those therapy sessions as ministry opportunities - instead of a burden to our already overloaded schedule. 

God wants to do great things in the midst of raising a special needs child. Keep your head up. He wants to use you. Many God stories later you will tell - of how HE weaved people into your life where the Gospel was able to be shared. 

Well done good and faithful servant...
                          as you bring honor to his name.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Simple Susan

Raising our children in the happy yellow beach bungalow only five houses from the beach has such sweet memories. Due to the proximity to what I called our “sandbox” we made many trips to the beach on foot.  Yes, it was best when they were small and I would pull the Radio red flyer wagon, laden with a picnic basket with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and juice boxes.  Of course there would be sand buckets and shovels, rafts and towels.
(Google Search)

Yes, it was dreamy and gave us good memories, but I am forever grateful when I heard my best friend recount her growing up years as the baby of five children.  Catie recalled her mom taking them to the shore of New Jersey. Catie said her mom (Susan) would take her and the four siblings to the beach and they would each be given a towel if they wanted one.  Susan would allow them to take buckets, sand toys, and buggy boards if they liked.  They could take snacks and drinks too.  The catch was this; they had to be responsible for their own things.  If they wanted something, they had to carry it down the to shore themselves and bring it back themselves.

This story had many teaching points for me.  The obvious, that our children learn to be responsible for their own things.  It was a growing moment for Catie and her siblings to evaluate what was important to them.  Another point I observed was it is wise as a parent to let go of trying to do it all.  There are other nuances to this story Catie recounted to me, but to me the paramount point is the need for simplicity.

I have struggled throughout my parenting of making situations difficult.  Even pulling our children and all our things in the red flyer, did I mention I was carrying beach chairs too?  Did I mention that although only five houses from the beach there was a final plunge at the end of the street that would take us to sea level? (Translated at the end of our time at the beach, I would have to pull all the children and their wet tired sandy selves, all the aforementioned items and beach chairs up that hill?)

No, I’m not complaining, I’m only painting the picture of a mom who may have brought the neighbors to their picture windows to watch me haul all my stuff back from the beach.  In retrospect, I’m sure I looked like a pack mule coming back from Petra.
(Google Image)

Moms, lets keep life simple!  Yes, go to the beach.  Meet friends at the park. Treat yourself to Starbucks.  But don’t overthink it; don’t worry about a check-list to go.  If it isn’t in your diaper bag (or under a car seat) stop at Target or just head back home.  I don’t think the Lord meant our lives to be so complicated or structured.  Remember He placed Adam and Eve in a Garden and it was very good!  
(Matthew 11:30 - Google Image)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Intentional Love

I was recently reminded of a time two dear friends, Paul and Tammy, and I made our way to a little Greek restaurant in the North Park neighborhood of San Diego.  Paul and I were students at Horizon School of Evangelism and sweet Tammy had been raised in the Lord and literally "oozed" His love on everyone she met.  We choose the restaurant because the owner, a fascinating and highly intelligent man, was also a guest speaker at our school. He shared (in a contentious but memorable way) how the Lord wrote the Gospel story in the constellations.

All of us zealous for the Lord, ordered our food and immediately began talking about the scriptures.
Within a few minutes, a complete stranger who over heard our conversation invited himself to sit with us at our table.  It turns out that he, a devout atheist, was one of the plaintiffs suing the city of San Diego for having a cross on Mt. Soledad.  He began needling and challenging and trying to cast doubt in our conversation.  Covered in that "first-love grace," we were completely unscathed and quite determined to help him know the truth.  The conversation went back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth 90 minutes after the restaurant was closed!  The owner, who was well aware of the atheist's agenda, watched from the kitchen somewhat amused.  It seems we were not the first to fall into this man's trap!

At one point in the conversation, my sweet friend Tammy welled up with tears.  Moved by the Holy Spirit, she pressed right into the man's space and cried out,  "I just feel so sad for you!  My heart is broken for you! You really don't know how much Jesus loves you!"

Silence... palpable vulnerability... confusion ... softening... then the wall went back up.

This man was rocked!... at least for a minute... by genuine love.  He was awkward, squirmy and confused when he came in close contact with the thought someone truly cared about him.

I'd like to say this heady man got on his knees and asked Jesus to be his Savior right then and there.
That's not what happened. He did, for a minute though, consider at a heart level the idea of LOVE. There was a definite chink in the armor!

This is such a powerful reminder to me that it is "His kindness that leads us to repentance" and that "of the gifts, the greatest is LOVE."  Love is a powerful offensive weapon and I daresay underused.  Let's make 2015 the year we use LOVE intentionally and valiantly, taking ground for the King!

Monday, January 12, 2015

"Hope" by Stacey Wooddell Imbimbo

This is the verse that I wrote on our kitchen’s chalkboard for this month.
To be honest, I found this cute print on Pinterest and it was easily copied to my chalkboard.
This verse has continued to be a great reminder in this New Year.
The dictionary’s definition of HOPE is a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
Moms, how often do you have hope?
I know that every night before I fall asleep I HOPE my children will sleep in past 6:30.
As I prepare their breakfast I HOPE that they eat it and that is last longer than 15 minutes, before the inevitable question “May I have a snack?”
I HOPE that they play well, share their toys, and love each other throughout the day.
I HOPE that they have compassion for others. I HOPE that they choose joy.
I could go on and on….and I’m sure you could too. 
I believe that I will always HOPE the best for them, isn’t that what moms do?
But you know what is GREATER than our hope as moms? 
The HOPE that is found in Jesus.
The word HOPE is found in the bible over 120 times…must be important!
In the Bible, HOPE is the confident expectation, the sure certainty that what God has promised in the Word is true.
Hope is synonymous with Salvation and the many blessings with it.
Romans 8:24-25 For in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one also hope for what he sees? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it.
Today, rest in the fact that He is our one and only HOPE…no matter how easy or hard your days are.
Go ahead and write this promise in your journal, or your bathroom mirror, or your own chalkboard.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Storms of Life

Mark 4:35-41

Wind and Wave Obey the Master

35 On that day, when evening had come, He told them, “Let’s cross over to the other side of the sea.” 36 So they left the crowd and took Him along since He was already in the boat. And other boats were with Him. 37 A fierce windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking over the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped. 38 But He was in the stern, sleeping on the cushion. So they woke Him up and said to Him, “Teacher! Don’t You care that we’re going to die?”
39 He got up, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Silence! Be still!” The wind ceased, and there was a great calm. 40 Then He said to them, “Why are you fearful? Do you still have no faith?”
41 And they were terrified and asked one another, “Who then is this? Even the wind and the sea obey Him!

As I was spending quiet time with Jesus this morning, HE reminded me these important facts about storms in our life...
1. They will come
2. They can be fierce, but He is present even when HE is quiet.
3. They test and show our faith.
4. They are not forever and will be calmed in God's perfect time.

We all experience storms as we journey along life here on earth.  Some long. Some short. Being a mom sure is hard. Countless lessons I have learned in these short 7 years of my life since having kids. Some storms I would gladly love to pass on experiencing, but God has purpose in each season, time, moment in my life...and yours too!

When the storm has swept by, 
the wicked are gone,
but the righteous stand firm forever. 
- Proverbs 10:25

What is a storm you are experiencing right now?

Have you told Jesus about it? 

Allow Him to calm the storm, quiet your fears, and remind you of Truth today.

Love this....

Friday, January 9, 2015

Sea Sick

        Standing at the door with our carpool waiting in the driveway our youngest was faced with the quandary.  I had told her she needed to feed the dog before she left for school.  She was determined to honor my request and hold up her ride.
         As Greg walked in and saw her dropping her books and lunch bag, he questioned what was going on.  She explained the dilemma she was experiencing. As any wonderful knight and shinning armor would offer,
her dad replied, “Go on to your ride and I’ll feed the dog.”
         As if he had said nothing she continued to put down her belongings, he again said, “Sweetheart go on out to the car and I’ll feed the dog.”  I realized she wouldn’t hear him without some explanation.
         I explained, “Your daddy has overridden my request and he will take care of feeding the dog.”  With the “I can’t believe you are saying that expression on her face” she gathered her things, tossed that long blonde hair and off she went.
         With this experience so fresh on my mind I should have been better prepared for the day.  However, I found myself throughout my workday having “overrides” by my supervisors. Appeals made on my behalf. 
         These appeals tend to work toward our advantage many times, but it’s the mental shift, the reprograming of the plan that can be difficult.
         In telling Greg about my day he termed my experiences as being “sea sick.”  One minute I’m headed and leaning to the left and the next I’m headed and leaning to the right.

         So why record this on this blog sight about parenting?  I guess my day at work reminded me that its good to feel the emotion our children do.  Being able to empathize with them will make us much more conscientious of how we are parenting.  It also makes the word “exasperating” more understandable when we too, “know how it feels.”

         Parenting is not for the faint hearted.  It takes diligence and perseverance and thoughtfulness.  We need to watch out for the “seasick” expression that may be on our children’s faces and respond with understanding and patience.

Ephesians 6: 4 
"...Not to provoke or exasperate our children, rather bring them up with the discipline 
and instruction from the Lord."

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A Remedy for Post Holiday Fatigue

Happy New Year, moms, mommys, mamas, mothers! I pray this blog finds you rested, energized, refreshed and ready to tackle 2015 with some prayed over goals for the new year and Jesus by your side.  If that's the case, there's no stopping you!

As for me, Christmas is still going on at our house!  Our tree is still up and I'm still wearing my Christmas penguin pajama pants and enjoying every last, lingering moment sitting in front of the tree (hee hee).  I love Christmas! Always have.  Each year, I intend to do less and enjoy more peaceful nights at home with the Lord, my family, and our tree.  Yet, despite my best efforts at reducing our activities each year, Christmas seems to come and go faster than the year before!  Maybe it's because I'm getting older or because our son is getting older, but the trend continues.  So, it seems, that some of my most restful, reflective moments in front of our tree happen after Christmas is over.   That's when I can hear His still small voice and tonight He is saying:

"Come to me all you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy to bear and the burden I give you is light." - Matthew 11:28-30.

I was happy, but tired most of last month.  There's a lot that goes on in the last quarter of the year!  From the start of the school year and cold/flu season to fall festivals, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's, our culture packs a lot into a few short months!  As moms, we will be tired, especially when we try to do and serve in our own strength.  When I don't spend daily, quality time with the Lord, I, and others, see more of me and less of  Him.  I become more selfish, I desire more recognition for all that I do and my mercy jars start to leak out of invisible holes.  I run on empty by the end of December because I haven't spent enough time with the Lord to be filled so that I can pour His love and mercy out on others.  Every time I try to keep on going and neglect daily, quality time with the Lord to get a few more things done, He reminds me of the error of my ways! Gently, of course, because He is a gentleman.  He reminds me of His love for me and that His mercy jars don't have any holes.  They never leak.  Isn't that amazing? 

Here's a proposed remedy for post holiday fatigue:

1)  Spend daily, quality time with the Lord this week. Receive grace and give grace.
2)  Rest.
3) While you still remember the season, take a few notes in your phone about what you will do again next year and what you will skip or do differently to create more "silent and holy nights." The best suggestion I heard this year was to sit down with your husband early in the season (think Dec 1 or even Nov 30!) and have each of you identify those 2-3 things you definitely want to do and those you don't.  Then schedule them.  You could do this as a family, too. Pray, be selective, prioritize those activities that highlight the coming of our savior, and know that you may have to let some things go. We can't do it all, moms, but we can do all that He wills us to in His strength. 

Let's pray.  Dear God, thank you for a beautiful season celebrating the birth of your son, our savior.  Thank you for the best gift our world has ever known.  For those of us who ran hard and fast, give us your rest, renew us, refresh us, remind us of your grace, love and simple truths.  Give us the wisdom in 2015 to know when to say yes and when to say no.  In all things, may we grow in you, Jesus.  May we better reflect your life, love and sacrifice.  In your mighty name we pray, Amen.

Happy New Year, sweet sisters!

Monday, January 5, 2015

"He Makes All Things New" by Stacey Woodell Imbimbo

See, I am doing a new thing! 
Now it springs up; 
do you not perceive it?
 I am making a way in the wilderness 
and streams in the wasteland. 
- Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭19‬ NIV

There is nothing exciting about getting old, broken, paper ripped crayons out to color.
But, if you have a new box of crayons the excitement tends to go up a notch.
Maybe it’s the perfectly pointed, paper intact, piece of perfection that makes the art project more enjoyable.
I read something poignant this week:
Maybe your paper is torn and you don’t have it all together.
Maybe you don’t feel perfectly pointed to Jesus.
But none of that matters, you STILL have purpose.
YOU are a Mom.
Color your child in the love of Christ.
Color them fiercely with grace.
Color them boldly with prayer.
A new crayon has yet to color a picture.
But your crayon is already at work.