As we said our final good-byes to Greg’s dad after our
weeklong stay, it occurred to Greg we would not see him before Christmas. Greg asked if he could read the Christmas
story from Luke chapter two for all of us who were gathered in his living
assistant housing.
Greg began to read the familiar story. “In those days Caesar Augustus issued a
decree..” However, instead of reading
straight through the story, he began to periodically pause.
The pauses became the invitation for our youngest and her
grandfather to banter for the first position to shout out the word being paused
for. Although at first I was sure if
this was offensive or sacrilegious to make this holy word some type of fill in
the blank game. In the spirit of competition this new twist to telling the
sometime too familiar story, became not only challenging but fun and inviting.
If you are looking for a new way to communicate the truth of
God’s good news, I suggest you consider this game playing/truth telling
completion. We laughed and giggled as
everyone eagerly sought a “point.”
I believe God would be all for this new challenge. As you consider how to help your children
hide the Christmas story in their hearts, I challenge you to take on this
approach. Allow your child(ren) an
opportunity to win a “point” with each fill in the blank.
Continue to find new ways to live out and enjoy the truth of
the Jesus’s life in your home!
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