Monday, November 10, 2014

Attitude of Gratitude by Stacey Wooddell Imbimbo

My husband and I try to pick a verse in the bible that the kids can memorize. 
We will gather together in the mornings around the kitchen table and work on the same verse for a while.
We are not always super consistent with this routine, but we are trying to implement the bible into their sweet little lives at this young age.
So, of course being November, it was relatively easy to search the scriptures to find a verse on being thankful.
There are many choices, but we decided to settle on IThessolonians 5:18
“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God…”
Talking about being thankful seems simple, but God has been gently reminding me this past week on truly being grateful…IN EVERYTHING!
It seems easy breezy to have the kiddos come up with something they are thankful for…they come up with heartfelt answers like each other, their toys, the beachare a few of their responses.
Then I think…am I thankful IN EVERYTHING?  No matter what the circumstance?
As moms, our role modeling of being thankful paves the way for our kids.
And so I am challenged, because I want to strengthen my heart of gratitude!
Maybe I’m not completely verbal with my sense of being ungrateful, but the thoughts are there at times.
Proverbs 23:7
“ For as (she) thinks in (her) heart, so is (she)”
We will never be satisfied if we place our gratitude and contentment in people, material items, or activities.
Gratitude takes time to cultivate in our hearts…begin today.

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