Friday, March 20, 2015

"Seasons" by Stacey Wooddell Imbimbo

A change of seasons. Winter is over and spring is soon to arrive.
Goodbye snow and hello warmer weather.
Many times I have been talking to another mama friend and inevitably the phrase "oh, its just a season" will be uttered.
There are many seasons in motherhood.
I've only experienced 4 1/2 years of seasons so far, and looking forward to many more.
Remember when your little one only cooed and cried, and all you thought was " I can't wait to talk to my kid".
Then, the milk phase is over and you get the pleasure of introducing your little one to all kinds of new fun food.
The babies go from crawling to walking around so quickly.
And that very tricky season of the dreaded potty training. YIKES
So many different seasons that are all unique, precious, and memorable.
I find myself saying " I can't wait until my child ________"
 ( fill in the blank with the next season)
We know that each season of motherhood has its ups and downs. I want to encourage you to not miss out on the current season that you are going through.  Though it may be your easiest or hardest season ever.
GOD's got a plan, and its not about us, it all about Him and his grace in our lives.
Enjoy today with your kids!

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