Saturday, March 14, 2015

Don't Be Afraid to Ask

Six months ago we first heard of Brain Balance, a center with a drug-free approach for children with Aspergers, and began to research it. We visited, watched testimonials, and prayed hard to see if this was where God would have us go. The real kicker was that they didn't take insurance and the cost of treatment for our son would total $14,000.

So the Lord put it on our heart to ask others to join us in the journey. After creating a GO FUND ME page and helpful friends promoting it, we raised all of the money!! Now we are on this journey. It is so exciting with homework and sessions to go to. Diet changes and meetings regularly with a nutritionist. I still sit in awe of God's provision and those faithful friends who blessed us with finances and others who prayed fervently during our fundraising.

What if I had been afraid to ask for help?

Sometimes pride holds us back from seeking out help. Maybe we grew up in a home where everyone held their own - showing a sense of "strength" or maybe you are embarrassed to ask friends to help you with your struggle/need. If our family had stayed in a place of fear or pride, my son wouldn't be in Brain Balance now. And I would have robbed a group of people from being used by God in the life of a little boy. A story he will re-tell to his children and others around him. A season of receiving which later will allow him to give. It is life-changing when we pray and allow others to come alongside and hold up our arms - in a place we are too weak to stand on our own.  

We would be in a totally different place right now if we didn't ask for help.

What is it for you? Is there an area of your life that seems overwhelming and you need help navigating?

Don't be afraid to ask for help. Friends are waiting in the wing to be used by Him and it is a story that others will share of His goodness and faithfulness because you voiced a need.

OR there someone in your life that needs some help where the Lord may be nudging you to assist?

Pray and allow Him to use you in the life of others. Something you will never regret and always remember.

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