Friday, February 12, 2016

The Due Date

As moms we always look forward to “the due date.”  At the first moment’s of reality that… “I might be pregnant?”  We ask the question, “When will that mean I’m due?”  During my pregnancy I ran to the “pregnancy wheel” and looked at the calculations for the approximate time of arrival.
         Today, I’m sure there is an “App for that!”
         However you find out…it is much anticipated.  You know it will come.  You know there will be much to do as you wait.  So in the vastness that separates saltines and ginger ale to the choosing doctors, having baby showers and decorating the beloved space where our children will sleep their first night home, we wait.
         I am grateful for our three that came on or before their due date.
         Our first grandchild’s due date is Sunday, February 14, 2016.  But she came early.  Kennedy Drew was born January 20.  She never took her first breath.
         Our hearts are tormented. Ripped beyond words. 
         The due date waits.
         The loss that surrounded January 20 is only more pronounced as we watch the due date arrive.  How can we face this date without the anticipation of our Kennedy? Please, putting me aside, how do my precious son and daughter in law look square the face of the calendar on Sunday?
         I told our son and daughter in law because there are not directions on how to parent each child in each season; I am unprepared to “parent” them in this season of grief.  I am to parent our mourning children while I mourn.
         My solutions and expertise are shattered. Except for God’s Word. His healing balm.
         Today I'm reminded there is a “wait.”
Habakkuk 2:3
“For the vision is yet for the appointed time;
it testifies about the end and will not lie.
Though it delays,
Since it will certainly come and not be late.”

         We are all waiting.  Now, not for Kennedy’s due date, but ours and our Lord Jesus Christ’s.  Our home-going, His return.
         We don’t wait as those without hope!  We wait in excitement and anticipation of the confetti He has cued.
         He is ready.  He is ready for our wait. He is not just at the end of wait.  He is with us in our wait.  I believe He is holding our hands and comforting us.  I believe He is waiting.   He is cupping our chins and lifting our heads and directing our focus to what is at the end of our wait.
He is worth the wait.
I wait with expectation.
I wait not only with the Author of the Wait 
but the Author of the Due Date.

For our Parakaleo friends, please pray for our family as we walk through this time of great mourning.  Remember to pray for others who are carrying difficult circumstances.  You don’t need to be reminded how tough this “mom” thing is.  God’s Word, prayer and His people are our life rafts during these dark hours.  We need each other.  Thank you in advance for your much needed prayers.

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