Wednesday, February 24, 2016

From Generation to Generation (Written by my Mom, Bernice Blewitt)

My Mom, Dora Henriksen died last Thursday, February 18,2016.   She was 94.  We had a memorial service at our church this past Sunday.   As I was preparing what to say in her honor, I realized how much my Mom has shaped my life.

I don’t ever remember my mother giving me any advice – you know, the sit down and let’s talk – about how to get along in this world.    And yet, she taught me everything.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.”   Galatians 5:22, 23

My mother taught me, not by words, but by how she lived.  She lived the fruit of the Spirit.  And how she lived her life would forever direct my life.  I watched her love people – she took in anyone who needed a place to live for a while (and there were quite a few of them), I watched as she comforted those who were mourning, as she was a friend to the house-bound, as she provided for more people than I could count.  My Mom made sure we knew about Jesus and showed us how important it was to live accordingly.

She taught me how to be a wife to by husband: respect, obedience, and yes, submission.  My husband, when we were dating, told me part of his attraction to me was my parents – that he wanted what they had.

I am a grandma now, but my Mom showed me the responsibility never ends to be the example to our children (and grandchildren) that leads to a life well lived. 

“My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.   And by this we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before Him.”   I John 3:18, 19

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Due Date

As moms we always look forward to “the due date.”  At the first moment’s of reality that… “I might be pregnant?”  We ask the question, “When will that mean I’m due?”  During my pregnancy I ran to the “pregnancy wheel” and looked at the calculations for the approximate time of arrival.
         Today, I’m sure there is an “App for that!”
         However you find out…it is much anticipated.  You know it will come.  You know there will be much to do as you wait.  So in the vastness that separates saltines and ginger ale to the choosing doctors, having baby showers and decorating the beloved space where our children will sleep their first night home, we wait.
         I am grateful for our three that came on or before their due date.
         Our first grandchild’s due date is Sunday, February 14, 2016.  But she came early.  Kennedy Drew was born January 20.  She never took her first breath.
         Our hearts are tormented. Ripped beyond words. 
         The due date waits.
         The loss that surrounded January 20 is only more pronounced as we watch the due date arrive.  How can we face this date without the anticipation of our Kennedy? Please, putting me aside, how do my precious son and daughter in law look square the face of the calendar on Sunday?
         I told our son and daughter in law because there are not directions on how to parent each child in each season; I am unprepared to “parent” them in this season of grief.  I am to parent our mourning children while I mourn.
         My solutions and expertise are shattered. Except for God’s Word. His healing balm.
         Today I'm reminded there is a “wait.”
Habakkuk 2:3
“For the vision is yet for the appointed time;
it testifies about the end and will not lie.
Though it delays,
Since it will certainly come and not be late.”

         We are all waiting.  Now, not for Kennedy’s due date, but ours and our Lord Jesus Christ’s.  Our home-going, His return.
         We don’t wait as those without hope!  We wait in excitement and anticipation of the confetti He has cued.
         He is ready.  He is ready for our wait. He is not just at the end of wait.  He is with us in our wait.  I believe He is holding our hands and comforting us.  I believe He is waiting.   He is cupping our chins and lifting our heads and directing our focus to what is at the end of our wait.
He is worth the wait.
I wait with expectation.
I wait not only with the Author of the Wait 
but the Author of the Due Date.

For our Parakaleo friends, please pray for our family as we walk through this time of great mourning.  Remember to pray for others who are carrying difficult circumstances.  You don’t need to be reminded how tough this “mom” thing is.  God’s Word, prayer and His people are our life rafts during these dark hours.  We need each other.  Thank you in advance for your much needed prayers.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Light in the Night

One super-early Sunday morning I felt like God was calling me out of bed.  The previous Friday and Saturday mornings He called me but I didn’t go!!  (Shame, Laura.)  I reasoned my way “out” of it.  But on Sunday morning around 4 a.m. I finally obeyed. (Hallelujah!) All I heard was God saying, 

“Trust Me.  I’ll show you.”  And as a true disobedient child I replied, “But it’s dark and if I make noise or put a light on it will surely wake someone (Jordan) and I’ll have company this early…” 
“Trust Me” was all I kept hearing.  So I plodded forward through my house and into the kids room where the light was dimly on.  “But I’m going to hurt my eyes in this light” was what I told the Light of the world.  God continued to say, “Trust Me.”  So I turned into the room and He turned me right toward the night light.  I was so awed at God!  The night light was bright enough for my little tender eyes to see the Word I was about to be shown. 

James 1:2-4 was where I began but then He nudged me to read on to verses five and six.  Oh, how blessed I felt!    Even though I had been a tough cookie in all my disobedience, He continued to have great compassion on me.  His perseverance in love just overwhelmed me.  His confidence in what He had planned for me was remarkable – this is our God.

Lately I’ve been reading through 1 & 2 Chronicles and specifically about the wisdom God gave Solomon to lead His people, Israel.  And here in James 1:5-6 He shows that His wisdom is available to us, for the asking!  Just ask in faith, without doubting and He is faithful to supply. 

As we desire to lead our children in this world, let us do it with His wisdom.  

Monday, February 8, 2016

Who sees? He sees...

Sometimes I feel inadequate to even share a thought here on this parenting blog. My kids aren't toddlers anymore and I feel like the lessons God has been showing me lately are a bit heavy for a blog that is suppose to encourage moms.  (Just being real here.)

Yesterday, I came across this video again and knew I had to share.  It blessed me the first time I watched it and it blessed me again.  No matter what season we are in as moms and wives, we need to remember that we are serving the King and He sees us.  This is just a few minutes and a great reminder.


Thursday, February 4, 2016

Worry Less & Pray More

Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. 
Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers,
 letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, 
a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, 
will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful 
what happens when Christ displaces worry
 at the center of your life. 
- Philippians 4:6-7 MSG

What are you worrying about today, ladies?

In my quiet time this morning I read the verses above and was reminded of Truth. It was refreshing. Let all my fretting and worrying be honed into prayer with my heavenly Father. Allowing Him to be a part of the process. God knows how many hairs are on my head, thinks of me more than sand on the shore and desires to grow in a deeper relationship.  Some hurdles in life, when we are unsettled, cause us to depend on the Lord more and strengthen our dependence on Him. 

Whether it's debt, kids, marriage, church, friends, trying to please people, school choices, balancing a overly crowded life, running on empty, or just is worth taking  time to unload it all onto His plate. He is stronger. He is wiser. He is the One who gives supernatural peace when we are frozen with fear. 

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, 
all whose thoughts are fixed on you! 
- Isaiah 26:3

Allow yourself a few moments of quiet today to get before your Maker. Ask Him for wisdom in those areas of weakness. Ask Him to shine light in areas of your life that need strengthening. Then act in obedience to His prompting. An unknown path isn't so scary when you walk hand and hand with your Savior who is guiding your every step. 

I want to worry less and pray more. How about you??