Thursday, January 17, 2013

A Grumpy Mommy

“Mom are you mad at me? 

“No, buddy I’m not mad at you.”

This was the beginning of a conversation I had with my son this week.  It was one of those moments that made my heart so sad because my sin was hurting my son. 

The last few nights I had not gotten enough sleep and that led to me being not only tired but also to some nasty headaches.  This produced in me a lack of patience, a short temper, and a sharp tongue.

So my son’s question was understandable.  I had been snappy, my overall tone and body language were just screaming irritation.  I was a mess.  

I had him come and sit on my lap.  I hugged him and told him that I loved him.  I told him again that I was not mad at him.  He told me that I should be because he didn’t listen and that is what made me grumpy.   I then explained to him that it was not his fault mommy was grumpy.  The grumpy was already inside mommy’s heart.  Yes, his not listening did bring out those grumpies and it would be helpful if he did listen better but he was not the cause of my grumpy attitude.  I then asked his forgiveness and we sat and just cuddled for a little while.

“Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him.”  Psalm 127:3

God uses my children so often in a tender way to show me my sin.  That night and the next morning I made sure I got enough sleep and some extra time in the Word.  And you know what?  I had a great day.  My daughter also pointed out to me that she wasn’t as grumpy and she thought it was because I wasn’t grumpy. 

Moms we are truly the thermostats of our home.  What does your thermostat look like?  Are you yelling at your kids because of their bad attitudes when really it’s because you are rubbing off on them?  What is spilling out of your heart? 






  1. I love this Courtney! Simple truths:) I love how you knew the cause and sat down and explained it to your little one. That took his unnecessary guilt and removed it and let him realize the truth about what he was doing wrong. This kind of mothering will have a huge positive impact on your kids. God is so evident in your heart. It's beautiful :)

  2. Wow! Great truth in this blog,Courtney! Thank you for your transparent heart and your words of healthy conviction! Love you girl!
