“And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel
but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those
who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they
may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the
snare of the devil…”
2 Timothy 2:24-26
My husband and son went to the hockey game last night. At first, I was a little unsure of how our
daughter would handle going to bed without her brother being in the room with
her. The hockey game fell on a night
that my friend and I would usually get together to pray and hold each other
accountable for living this Christian life. I had planned to let our daughter watch a
Veggie Tales movie while my friend was over but her behavior throughout the day
was such that I couldn’t bless her with watching the special movie.
While we were doing a puzzle before her shower and bedtime she
expressed to me that she didn’t understand what the relationship was between
her behavior and the ban from the movie.
(It kind of floored me that she was able to articulate all this without
whining!!!) I explained the relationship
between the behavior and the blessing and that I couldn’t bless her for her
poor behavior during the day.
“See then that you
walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise,” Ephesians 5:15
In those kinds of tender moments, we have to communicate in
love and truth. Correction not
condemnation. If we don’t “stick to our
guns”, “put our foot down” or in a better phrase, “stand firm” our word will
become weak and not trustworthy to our children.
If I would have given in to her sweet little face, she wouldn’t
have learned anything. Even if she didn’t
this time, I did! And I will have other
opportunities to “stand firm” again and again I’m sure. But next time being more confident that I’m
leading her to behave wisely rather than as a fool.
BTW she was a complete angel upon my friend's arrival, and went right to bed. I know God is doing a good work in all of us.
BTW she was a complete angel upon my friend's arrival, and went right to bed. I know God is doing a good work in all of us.